Saturday, November 5, 2016

Peru Newsletter

So as many people know by now, I am going to Peru in a couple of weeks. While I am in Peru for the next eight months, I will be using my blog to communicate with people back home. My flights have been booked, my shots have been taken (I had to get four shots; there is a good chance I will be going into the Amazon during my time in Peru so I had to get the Yellow Fever vaccine as well.)

Here is the newsletter I printed last weekend:

Partnering with Marcel Bal

Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world...Psalm 19:4 NIV

Hello Friends,
Thank you all very much for taking the time to read this letter. I would like to share with you some of the things I have been doing and the opportunities that have been presented to me for the future. I am writing you this letter because you have invested in my life in so many ways and I am privileged to know you. I hope that as you read this you may be able to share in God’s vision for my life.

Where Have I Been?
It has been a long journey for me over the years. I attended Columbia Bible College from 2005-07 in the Biblical Studies program before taking a few years off to work, travel and save money. In 2011, I went to Missions Fest in Vancouver, British Columbia and it was there where I discovered a booth where some people were offering a course called Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. They were offering a course in my hometown of Chilliwack, British Columbia and I was able to take it for course credit through Columbia Bible College. I was fascinated by the course and it awakened within me a desire to pursue missions. I changed my major at CBC from Biblical Studies to Intercultural Studies and began taking courses online or at night so I could continue working. The Intercultural Studies degree requires an eight month cross cultural internship, so I had a desire to go on an internship in 2013. However, plans were derailed when I realized I required some jaw surgery to correct a bad bite. I needed to undergo nearly three years of braces and a surgery involving a bone graft and five titanium plates. Plans to continue my degree were put on hold until this year. So now, finally, I have the opportunity to proceed with the next phase of my life by going to Peru for the next eight months. I am looking forward to how God will use me to be a blessing to the people of Lima, Peru.

Where will I Be?
In mid to late November, I will be flying down to Lima, Peru. I will be living in a house with a shared kitchen in the city of Lima and will be spending a few days a week assisting with cataloging in Wycliffe’s offices in Lima. Cataloging involves taking detailed information about people groups and arranging that data so that it is more easily accessible – sort of like how a card catalog works in a library, but a computerized version. I will also be teaching English part time because there are many people in Lima who have a desire to learn English. Finally, I will be taking Spanish lessons a couple of nights per week to make me a more effective communicator to the Spanish speaking residents in Lima.

Quick Facts: Peru
Area: 1,285,216 sq km
Population: 31,151,643   
Capital: Lima
Urbanites: 75.9%
Literacy Rate: 94.5%

I am looking for people to partner with me on this internship through prayer and finances.

Please Pray:
Ø  That I will always seek first Christ’s kingdom and maintain a close relationship with Jesus
Ø  For good health during my time in Peru and that I would adjust well to a new culture and the intimidating task of teaching English
Ø  That I will be able to raise enough money to fund a good percentage of the costs

Before I go to Peru, I would like to raise a good percentage of my funds. The internship should cost me about $13,000 CDN and it is my hope that God would provide people to partner with me.

Ways to Give:
  1. Go to Wycliffe’s online donation page:
  2. Fill out all required fields. Under "Donation Information" you'll see a pull-down menu that says, "Please direct my giving to..." Select <Wycliffe Canada Missionary>
  3. VERY IMPORTANT: In the "Details and Comments" box write:
    For the internship work project of Marcel Bal
By Cheque:
  1. Cheque should be made payable to Wycliffe Bible Translators.
  2. Enclose a SEPARATE NOTE with your name, address & phone number, indicating how you want your gift to be used:
    For the internship work project of Marcel Bal
  3. Send or deliver to:
    Wycliffe Bible Translators
    4316-10 St. NE
    Calgary, AB
    T2E 6K3


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