Friday, August 19, 2011

Wrong Turn. Not Literally, Of Course

One thing that's nice about staying in a hotel is not having to take down my tent and fold it up tight enough so that it fits in the bag.

Very hot in Texas, even in the morning. Got to drive through the heart of the city of Dallas. I spent the night in Dallas on my Texas trip last year (actually Fort Worth, but that's close enough, isn't it?)

Short drive today, north from Dallas into Oklahoma and Kansas. Neat little drive through America's breadbasket. Not terribly exciting, but at least there wasn't road construction every five miles like in South Dakota.

I made a wrong turn on this day (August 9), and ended up in Sweden
In central Kansas, not far from where I spent the night, there is a town called Lindsborg. This picture above is of a gift shop here. Apparently the town was founded by Swedish settlers, and has now become a tourist attraction. Well between this and the Spinach Festival, I must say Kansas is quite an exhilirating state.

Got to the KOA in Salina relatively early and changed my reservation to a cabin again instead of a tent. Good thing I did too, because there was a thunderstorm and heavy rain. My $36 tent would not have kept me dry.

Some twenty-somethings from Switzerland showed up at the camp in an RV they had rented, but they didn't stay. Maybe they were threatened by the sight of a guy reading David Copperfield.

Running total of states: 17 (Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas)

Lifetime total of states: 24 (half of the continental United States)

Tomorrow, or whenever, I'll talk about my time in Colorado

Until then...


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